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Locally called the Cundit.


The water supply to the old village used to be provided by a conduit from a spring rising on the summit of the cliff, known as the Tikle or Tikel, a corruption of Tile Kiln Meadow.
















At the fountain head  was a stone inscribed –


This stone is placed at ye Spring Head belonging to the cundit by desire of the parishioners of Leigh, 1712.


The water passed through several cisterns from its source until it reached the reservoir in the High Street.


As the population grew and the demand for water became greater the spring was insufficient for the Old Town's needs and so in 1832, Lady Olivia Sparrow, the Lady of the Manor, gave a piece of ground in the middle of the Strand for a well to be sunk. This was still not enough and another well was sunk on King’s Strand (Strand Wharf) four years later.













     The well on Strand Wharf


The site of the Conduit was restored in 1975 by the local branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects to mark "European Heritage Year". The stone pillar came from Rectory Grove where it had marked the head of the spring.The conduit is managed by the Leigh Society.






The plaque above the grating states -


The works belonging to this spring having been destroyed, were reinstated in the year 1825 by subscription and were placed by the Vestry in the hands of a comittee.

ROBERT EDEN, Chairman April 1846


Waste not want not

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